
Have you ever heard of EFT and wondered what it is all about? In this article, I will introduce you to the world of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and explain its basic principles.

We will explore how EFT works by looking at the connection between emotions and physical pain and the role of acupressure points in the process.

I will also share my programs, including EFT basics, advanced techniques, and group sessions.

Join me on this journey to discover the power of EFT and why my programs could be the right choice for you.

What is EFT?

As a hypnotherapist based in the UK, I often utilise Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) as a powerful emotional healing and personal transformation method.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) involve tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on the emotional issue. This practice aims to release energy blockages and restore balance within the body’s energy system. By addressing emotional distress at its core, EFT can lead to profound shifts in mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. EFT is often integrated with hypnotherapy to enhance the therapeutic process, offering a holistic approach to healing that targets the subconscious mind and conscious emotions simultaneously.

What Are the Basic Principles of EFT?

In understanding the basic principles of EFT, it is essential to recognise its foundation in addressing emotional wounds through tapping into the body’s energy systems for healing.

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, operates on the premise that unresolved emotional issues can manifest as physical discomfort or illness due to bodily energy flow disruptions. By acknowledging and addressing these emotional blockages by tapping specific meridian points, EFT aims to restore balance and harmony in the mind-body connection.

Identifying these emotional triggers and releasing them is at the core of EFT practice, allowing individuals to manage stress, anxiety, trauma, and other emotional challenges effectively. Through its holistic approach, EFT encourages individuals to address the root cause of emotional pain rather than merely treating symptoms.

How Does EFT Work?

Exploring the mechanism of EFT reveals its profound impact on emotional healing by tapping into the body’s energy meridians to restore balance and alleviate emotional distress.

During an EFT session, the individual is guided to focus on a specific emotional issue or problem while simultaneously tapping on specific points on the body known as acupressure points. This stimulates the body’s energy flow and helps to release any blockages or negative emotions that may be stored in the energy system.

As the process continues, the individual may notice a gradual shift in their emotional state, feeling lighter and more at peace. EFT emphasises the connection between mind and body, acknowledging that emotional issues can manifest as physical symptoms if left unaddressed.

The Connection Between Emotions and Physical Pain

Understanding the intricate link between emotions and physical pain is crucial in the context of EFT and its ability to address underlying emotional triggers that manifest as physical discomfort.

Emotions are deeply intertwined with our physical well-being, often manifesting as pain or discomfort in various body parts. When left unaddressed, these emotional issues can exacerbate physical ailments, leading to chronic pain and health issues.

By utilising techniques like EFT, individuals can effectively tap into their emotional landscape and release pent-up feelings that may be contributing to their physical symptoms.

The Role of Acupressure Points in EFT

Acupressure points play a pivotal role in EFT as they serve as access points to the body’s energy system, facilitating the release of emotional blockages and restoring emotional equilibrium.

During the tapping process in EFT, specific acupressure points are targeted to stimulate the flow of energy within the body. Individuals can activate the body’s natural healing response by tapping on these points while focusing on specific emotional issues. This integration of acupressure with EFT is rooted in the science of energy meridians, channels through which chi (vital energy) flows. By tapping these points, practitioners aim to balance energy flow, promoting emotional healing and well-being.

Introducing My Programs

Welcome to my transformative programmes that blend the potent techniques of EFT with the insights of hypnotherapy to guide you on a journey of emotional healing and give the power of torment. These innovative programmes offer a holistic approach to addressing deep-rooted emotional issues, unlocking the power of the mind-body connection for lasting transformation. Through a unique combination of EFT tapping and hypnotherapy sessions, individuals deeply explore their inner selves, uncovering and releasing emotional blockages that hinder personal growth. Guided by experienced practitioners, participants learn to access their subconscious minds, reframe limiting beliefs, and cultivate a mindset of resilience and positivity. The fusion of EFT and hypnotherapy creates a synergistic effect, amplifying the healing potential and accelerating emotional breakthroughs.

Program Highlights

Discover the transformative journey that awaits you in my programmes, filled with powerful techniques, personalised guidance, and profound insights for emotional healing and self-discovery.

Embark on a path to holistic healing where every step is tailored to your unique needs and goals. Experience the power of personalised support, where you are seen, heard, and guided through your journey of self-exploration. Our programme goes beyond surface-level healing, delving deep into the core of emotional blockages and giving you the power to break free from limiting beliefs.

Through therapeutic techniques and mindfulness practices, individuals in our programme have reported remarkable transformations in their relationships, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. The testimonials speak volumes about the profound impact of our approach, highlighting the shift towards greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and inner peace.

EFT Basics

Embark on your EFT journey by mastering the fundamental techniques and principles that form the cornerstone of emotional healing and self-transformation.

  1. One of the core elements of EFT is the tapping sequence, where specific acupressure points are stimulated to release emotional blockages and restore balance.
  2. Additionally, emotional release exercises are crucial in EFT, enabling individuals to confront and process deep-seated emotions in a safe and supportive environment. These practices help to identify and address underlying issues, paving the way for profound healing and growth.
  3. Integrating self-care strategies into your routine is vital for maintaining emotional well-being and resilience. By nurturing a holistic approach to healing, you can utilise the power of EFT to change your life.

Advanced EFT Techniques

Delve deeper into emotional healing with advanced EFT techniques that offer profound insights, transformative experiences, and lasting therapeutic benefits.

Explore the potential of matrix re-imprinting, where the subconscious mind is rewired to create a more positive belief system, leading to profound shifts in emotional well-being. Surrogate tapping allows individuals to address issues on behalf of others, opening up new perspectives and avenues for healing within the EFT framework.

One remarkable aspect of advanced EFT is trauma release techniques, which target deep-seated emotional wounds and provide a safe space for processing and releasing unresolved pain. These methods have shown remarkable efficacy in helping individuals overcome longstanding emotional barriers and achieve breakthroughs in their healing journey.

EFT for Specific Issues

Tailored to address specific emotional challenges, EFT offers targeted solutions for issues like anxiety, phobias, trauma, or limiting beliefs, giving the power to you to reclaim emotional balance and well-being.

EFT, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is a holistic approach combining cognitive therapy and acupressure elements. By tapping into the body’s energy meridians, EFT helps to release emotional blockages and promote relaxation. One of the key benefits of EFT is its versatility – it can be practised anywhere, anytime, making it a convenient tool for managing stress and improving mental wellness.

It’s remarkable how EFT can significantly reduce the intensity of negative emotions in a short period. People often report feeling lighter, calmer, and more in control after an EFT session. Whether you’re dealing with social anxiety, a fear of heights, or past trauma, EFT provides a safe and gentle way to address these concerns.

Group EFT Sessions

Experience the collective power of healing in group EFT sessions, where shared intentions, support, and energy amplify the transformative effects of emotional release and personal growth.

These group sessions provide a safe space to explore your emotions and triggers. It allows you to connect with others on a similar healing journey.

Building a strong community within the group fosters a supportive environment where everyone feels understood and accepted, reducing feelings of isolation and increasing a sense of belonging.

Group EFT sessions offer a unique opportunity to witness and experience the power of collective healing as participants come together to share their challenges, successes, and insights. This shared healing experience enhances individual growth and strengthens the bond between participants, creating a network of mutual support and encouragement.

Why Choose My Programs?

Selecting my programmes means embarking on a transformative journey of emotional healing and self-discovery and giving the power of torment guided by a skilled hypnotherapist dedicated to your well-being.

Throughout our programmes, you will experience tailored sessions designed to address your specific needs and give the power to you on your path to personal growth. Our expertise in hypnotherapy allows us to delve deep into your subconscious, unlocking the potential for lasting change and healing. Unlike traditional therapy, our holistic approach integrates mind, body, and spirit, promoting a comprehensive healing experience. By choosing our programmes, you commit to a journey of self-giving, the power to become resilient and transform towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.


In conclusion, EFT stands as a transformative modality for emotional healing, giving the power to individuals to address deep-seated issues, restore emotional balance, and embark on a path of self-discovery and personal growth.

Through EFT, individuals can experience profound shifts in their emotional well-being, breaking free from limiting beliefs and negative patterns that hinder personal growth. This technique alleviates current emotional distress and equips individuals with tools to navigate future challenges with resilience and clarity. By tapping into the body’s energy system, EFT facilitates the release of emotional blockages, leading to increased emotional regulation and a sense of inner peace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is EFT, and how can it help me?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a form of energy psychology that involves tapping specific meridian points on the body to release emotional and physical blocks. It can help you improve your emotional well-being, reduce stress and anxiety, and even alleviate physical symptoms or pain.

What can I expect during an EFT session?

During an EFT session, we will identify any emotional blocks or issues you want to address. Then, we will use a combination of tapping on specific points while focusing on the issue and using affirmations to release negative emotions and promote healing. You may feel a sense of relaxation and emotional release during the session.

How many EFT sessions will I need to see results?

The number of sessions needed can vary depending on the individual and the issue being addressed. Some people may see results after just one session, while others may benefit from multiple sessions. It’s important to be open to the process and trust that the healing will occur at the right pace for you.

Can EFT be used for physical symptoms or pain?

Yes, EFT can be used to address physical symptoms or pain. It is believed that emotional and physical issues are connected, and by releasing emotional blocks, physical symptoms may also improve. However, seeking medical advice for any serious or chronic physical conditions is important.

Is EFT suitable for everyone?

EFT is generally safe and can be used by people of all ages. However, it may not be suitable for those with certain mental health conditions or if you are pregnant. It’s always best to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine if EFT is the right approach for you.

Can I learn EFT techniques to use on my own?

Absolutely! I encourage my clients to practice EFT independently, and I can teach you the techniques during our sessions together. This way, you can use EFT whenever you feel the need to manage stress, reduce anxiety, or promote overall well-being.