

  Anxiety and Depression I have been inundated with clients suffering from anxiety and depression over the last two years. I am sure the pandemic contributed to it massively, however when your mind is full (overloaded), anxiety builds up, it can get messy, you...

Self-Esteem and Love Match

    I thought it would be appropriate given the date of the month 14th of Feb which is associated with Love and Romance, to share my thoughts and experience, having worked with many couples wanting to rekindle the love flame and individuals wanting to...

Past Life regression Newcastle Hypnotherapy

  This is a subject I get very animated about, having been a therapist for many, many years, I have to say, one of my favourite therapeutical sessions.  Can you associate with any of the questions below? Do you have frequenting dreams of another time or place?...

Hypnotherapy for IBS

Common irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS)symptoms You may be wondering what is IBS? The main symptoms of IBS: stomach pain or cramps – usually worse after eating and better after doing a poo bloating – your tummy may feel uncomfortably full and swollen diarrhoea – you may...

Phobia of Public Speaking, Help is at hand.

Public Speaking   There are not many people who like to speak in public, but many of us have to, whether for work, school or college you will find public speaking an inevitable part of your life at some point. Now, while some of us will find public speaking an...

Low Mood / Depression. Help is at Hand

Low Mood / Depression   What is Depression? A lot of people feel sad at different points in their lives or have a low mood, but how do you know if you are suffering from depression? Depression is more than feeling sad around a major life event, it is a continual...


Post Traumatic Stress     When someone experiences a traumatic episode in their life, the mind makes a recording and can sometimes replay this over and over again. It has been described by many clients like watching a movie on repeat, in your head.They can...

Chronic thinking can contribute to Chronic pain

Chronic Pain   Chronic pain also referred to as persistent pain, is a term used to describe multiple types of pain which are long-term and can be relentless. In the past, the treatment of chronic pain was complete rest, but latest medical advice suggests continued...