
How Hypnotherapy Can Help With Arthritis

There are many different ways of suffering from arthritis – you might have osteoarthritis and suffer chronic pain and stiffness or you may have rheumatoid arthritis and be faced with sudden and severe flare-ups of your condition. Hypnotherapy cannot cure arthritis....

How Hypnotherapy Can Help With Allergies

Allergies are evidence of the over sensitivity of an individual’s immune system to something in their environment. It might be something they breathe, touch, or ingest. Anyway, the allergen can invade a person’s body space can trigger an allergic reaction. Medical...

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Frigidity

Having issues of sexual performance in one’s life is something that is completely normal. The pressure of having to live up to a certain standard is enough to create worry and anxiety when it comes to getting intimate with a partner. Losing one’s sex drive can be...

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Exam Nerves

There are those of us that may feel overwhelmed in their academic studies, that is true. Examinations can be the bane of any student’s existence. The sheer thought of having to sit an exam for an extended period of time can lead to various different levels of stress....

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Menstrual Problems

A lot of women out there suffer from the constant pain that is related to their menstrual cycle. The pain these women can feel will often leave them depleted, both emotionally as well as physically. Menstrual pain can often leave women bedridden. Controlling this pain...

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Impotency

Impotency can affect anyone in their lives and at any given moment. There is also the possibility that you are suffering from some sort of mental wall that is causing impotency both in and out of the bedroom. Hypnotherapy can help impotency in a variety of different...

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Driving Test Nerves

Driving tests can be rather difficult if you let yourself fall into the trap of your own consciousness. Worry and nerves can be the biggest driving factors in causing one to overreact on some of the simplest of maneuvers behind the wheel during your test....

Here are some Medical Causes of Insomnia

There can be many medical conditions (some maybe mild and others more serious) which can lead to insomnia. Symptoms of the condition can cause discomfort and make it difficult for a person to sleep. Examples of medical conditions that can cause insomnia are:-...

Distress to De-stress

The clocks have gone back which heralds the start of the dark evenings, the lack of daylight hours has an adverse effect on our psyche (well being). Today it is International Stress Awareness day. Did you know that one in five people suffer from chronic stress, and...