Hypnosis & Weight Loss
Weight management is something a higher number of people than ever before are seeking solutions to. Whether this is through weight loss groups, specialised diets or other methods, more and more people want to reduce their weight either for long-term health benefits or for a special event in their life.
Weight reduction is important to people for different reasons, this could be because their weight is causing immediate health problems; such as diabetes or heart problems, or because of the risk of future health problems; stroke, cancer risks or heart attacks. With the effects of being overweight more publicised than ever before, people are thinking of their own and their families’ futures and wanting to lead healthier lives.
Impact of being overweight
The impacts of being overweight are well publicised for your physical health, but it can also have a negative impact on your mental health. For some people, once they reach a certain weight, they find it difficult, mentally, to begin the process of losing weight. Or some get so far into their weight loss journey only to experience a setback which they then find it difficult to recover from.
Causes of being overweight
We are all aware that being overweight is, usually caused by consuming more calories in high fat or high sugar foods than our bodies can digest and use on a daily basis. However, some people are overweight as a side effect of medication being taken. Where being overweight is caused by the first reason. Initially, you need to look at why you are consuming the high-calorie content foods.
Where I can help
I can help you with weight reduction through helping you to build confidence enough to access exercise facilities, explore physiological and psychological reasons why you are overweight, and assist you in changing the way you think and approach food on a daily basis. By working with you in this tailored approach to your individual feelings toward your weight, I will be able to understand your needs.
What I will do
Initially, we will discuss what you would like to achieve and any concerns you have via telephone in a private consultation where we will talk about why you are now looking to lose weight and any specific goals you have regarding this. Following the consultation, we will book an appointment for a session in my private practice, there we will enter into a tranquil treatment space to continue your wellbeing journey. Once you are comfortable, we will begin the process of helping you with your weight management, if hypnosis is the best treatment option, I will make suggestions to you which will benefit your thought process and approach to food in the future.
Once your approach to food and weight management have changed psychologically, a high number of people report finding managing their weight and making healthier choices to be easier, and they start to see the benefits physically also.
For more information on how I can help contact me on:
Contact- www.sonyahudson.com