
Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, unable to break free from the cycle of worry and fear? In my experience as a hypnotherapist, I have seen firsthand how these thoughts can impact every aspect of our lives.

Fortunately, some techniques and strategies can help you take control and find peace of mind. From mindfulness meditation to cognitive behavioural therapy, tools are available to support your journey to managing anxious thoughts.

Join me as I explore how hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool in overcoming anxiety and provide tips for practising self-help techniques to regain control over your mental well-being. You don’t have to suffer in silence – it’s time to take charge of your anxious thoughts and reclaim your peace of mind.

What are Anxious Thoughts?

Let’s talk about anxious thoughts. They’re those persistent worries or fears that can get under your skin, leading to unease and distress. And it’s not just mental – they often come with physical symptoms like tension and restlessness.

The thing about these thoughts is that they tend to stick around, making it hard to focus on anything else and even harder to relax. It’s like they have a grip on you, interfering with your daily activities and making it tough to find a moment of peace.

And here’s the kicker: if left unchecked, these anxious thoughts can spiral into something bigger, like an anxiety disorder. This is a mental health condition characterised by excessive worry and fear, and it can take a toll on your overall well-being.

But it’s not just your mind that suffers. All that stress and worry can manifest physically, causing headaches, stomach problems, and fatigue. It’s like your body is trying to tell you something isn’t right.

So, let’s not ignore those anxious thoughts. They might seem small initially, but over time, they can build up and cause serious issues. Let’s work together to address them and find some peace of mind.


How Do Anxious Thoughts Affect You?

Anxious thoughts can take a toll on both your mental and physical health. They manifest in various anxiety symptoms and can challenge your emotional intelligence.

When anxiety gets a grip on you, it sets off a chain of negative consequences. You might find yourself dealing with racing thoughts, a feeling of impending doom, and physical issues like tension, fatigue, and trouble sleeping. It’s like your body and mind are constantly on high alert, which can wear you down over time.

And the thing is, this constant state of hyperarousal caused by anxious thoughts isn’t just uncomfortable – it can harm your body. It strains your immune system and increases your risk of heart problems. Plus, the toll it takes on your mental health is no joke. It can lead to feelings of depression, make you want to withdraw from social situations, and overall lower your quality of life.

My Experience with Helping Clients Control Anxious Thoughts

In my practice as a hypnotherapist, I have worked with clients to develop coping mechanisms using various therapies such as NLP, EFT, Reiki Counselling and building a strong support system for anxiety relief.

Therapy plays a crucial role in helping individuals navigate and understand their anxious thoughts, providing them with tools to face their fears head-on. Clients learn to challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with more adaptive responses.

Therapy alone isn’t always sufficient. A strong support network of friends, family, or support groups can provide additional comfort and reassurance during challenging times.

Why Do People Struggle with Controlling Anxious Thoughts?


It’s understandable why controlling anxious thoughts can feel like such a challenge. There are these entrenched negative beliefs, cognitive distortions, and chronic anxiety patterns that reinforce the worry habit.

Those negative beliefs often stem from past experiences or upbringing, shaping how we see ourselves and the world around us and then, there are cognitive distortions, which distort reality and lead to these irrational thought patterns. Over time, chronic anxiety sets in and solidifies these patterns into automatic responses, creating this loop of worry that can be really tough to break.

Sometimes, we engage in these habitual worry behaviours as a way to cope, you know? It’s like we’re seeking control or certainty in an uncertain world. But the thing is, this constant state of apprehension ends up fueling the anxiety cycle even more, making it even harder to manage those anxious thoughts effectively.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help with Anxious Thoughts

When it comes to tackling those anxious thoughts, hypnotherapy offers a really unique approach. It’s all about tapping into your subconscious mind to reframe those negative thought patterns and break free from those detrimental mental habits.

The cool thing is that this form of therapy has shown some really promising results in helping folks manage and alleviate symptoms of anxiety disorders like panic attacks, phobias, and general anxiety. By guiding you into this deep state of relaxation, hypnotherapy gives access to your subconscious, where we can embed these positive suggestions to help you feel calmer and more in control.

It’s like we’re rewiring your brain to respond differently to those anxious thoughts, giving you the tools you need to manage them more effectively. If you’re open to it, hypnotherapy could be a powerful tool in your journey towards finding peace of mind.

What is Hypnotherapy?

As a hypnotherapist, I want to share with you the incredible potential of hypnotherapy as a therapeutic technique. It’s all about leveraging the power of your subconscious mind to induce deep relaxation and openness to positive changes in behaviour.

Through our sessions together, we’ll use guided relaxation techniques and focused attention to access that deep part of your mind where all your ingrained beliefs and patterns are stored. We’ll explore and resolve any underlying issues contributing to your challenges or concerns.

It’s a process of diving deep into your subconscious. With my guidance, we can introduce beneficial suggestions and imagery to support you in overcoming obstacles and achieving your therapeutic goals.


How Does Hypnotherapy Address Anxious Thoughts?

Hypnotherapy targets negative thought patterns associated with anxiety, providing individuals with new coping mechanisms and strategies to manage and overcome anxious thoughts effectively.

By diving into the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy aims to identify the root causes of anxiety, enabling clients to reprogram their thought processes positively.

Through guided relaxation and suggestion techniques, this therapeutic approach can assist in fostering helpful thought patterns and promoting a sense of calm and control.

Hypnotherapy enables individuals to develop and strengthen their resilience, enhance self-awareness, and cultivate a more positive outlook on life.

Techniques for Controlling Anxious Thoughts

Here are some effective techniques for managing anxious thoughts. We can explore different approaches, like Mindfulness, Meditation, NLP, Counselling, EFT, CBT, Reiki  and Hypnosis.

Each of these methods offers its unique way of helping you navigate through periods of intense anxiety. Mindfulness is all about staying present at the moment and acknowledging your thoughts without judgment. Meditation exercises focus on calming your mind and promoting relaxation through techniques like deep breathing and visualization.

NLP  involves identifying and challenging those negative thought patterns to reframe them in a more positive light. It’s a structured approach that helps you develop coping strategies for managing anxiety triggers.

And last but not least, there’s Hypnosis. This technique, often used alongside others, can access your subconscious mind to address underlying issues contributing to your anxiety. It’s a powerful tool for overcoming deeply rooted fears and anxieties by promoting relaxation and positive suggestions.

Mindfulness Meditation

Have you ever tried mindfulness meditation? This incredible practice involves focusing on the present moment, cultivating awareness, and promoting relaxation to help alleviate anxiety and enhance your overall mental well-being.

This ancient practice has gained much popularity in recent years, and for good reason. It has numerous benefits, like reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation, and fostering mindfulness in our everyday lives.

The beauty of mindfulness meditation lies in its simplicity. You can ground yourself in the present moment by centering your attention on your breath, bodily sensations, or a specific focus point. It’s like giving your mind a break from worrying about the past or stressing about the future and, instead, just being fully present in the here and now.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

With CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the focus is on identifying and challenging those negative thoughts that tend to creep in and fuel your anxiety. One of the key principles is helping you recognize these automatic negative thoughts and then learning how to challenge them. By becoming more aware of these patterns, you can see them as separate from reality, which allows you to question their validity.

And here’s where the magic happens: through this process, you learn to reframe your thinking and replace those distorted beliefs with more balanced and realistic interpretations. It’s all about shifting your perspective in a way that enables you to develop healthier coping strategies for managing your anxiety.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are an amazing tool for fostering positive beliefs, boosting emotional strength, and relieving anxiety by shifting your focus towards uplifting thoughts.

The idea behind positive affirmations is simple but incredibly powerful. It’s all about incorporating these positive statements into your daily routine to counteract negative self-talk and replace it with words of encouragement and support.

And let me tell you, the impact can be truly transformative. Positive affirmations reshape your mindset, instil confidence, and nurture a more optimistic outlook on life. It’s like giving yourself a daily dose of encouragement and empowerment.

With consistent practice, these affirmations can rewire your brain to focus more on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. It’s all about building emotional resilience and grit to face whatever life throws your way with strength and positivity. So why not give it a try and see how it can make a difference in your life?


Have you ever considered hypnosis as a way to tackle those anxious thoughts? It’s pretty fascinating how it can help.

So, during hypnosis sessions, you’re guided into this deep state of relaxation. It’s like your mind becomes more open and receptive to suggestions.  

That’s where the magic happens.

You see, in this heightened state of suggestibility, you can work on reframing those negative thought patterns that tend to fuel your anxiety. It’s all about replacing those negative narratives with positive affirmations and beliefs.

And here’s the cool part: by disrupting that cycle of worry and rumination, hypnosis can help you break free from those repetitive worry periods. It’s like giving your mind a reset button, leading to a calmer and more grounded mental state overall.


Tips for Practising Self-Help for Anxious Thoughts

We can explore some self-help strategies for managing anxious thoughts. These are practices individuals can undertake independently to enhance their well-being.

To begin, regular exercise emerges as a potent tool in anxiety management. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, which act as natural mood elevators. Incorporating brisk walking, yoga, or dancing into one’s routine can mitigate stress and promote overall mental health.

Additionally, deep breathing exercises serve as a valuable technique for calming the mind. By enhancing oxygen flow, these exercises reduce tension and foster relaxation. Deliberately engaging in slow, deep breaths allows individuals to interrupt anxious thought patterns and regain control over their emotions.

Another beneficial approach involves challenging negative beliefs. This process entails scrutinizing irrational or pessimistic thoughts that contribute to anxiety. By critically evaluating the accuracy and validity of these beliefs, individuals can replace them with more constructive and realistic perspectives.

Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activities promote wellness and serve as effective lifestyle remedies to reduce stress, enhance mood, and combat anxious thoughts.

Incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine is crucial in managing stress and anxiety levels. By engaging in physical activities such as jogging, yoga, or swimming, you can release endorphins, also known as the ‘feel-good’ hormones, which help alleviate tension and promote well-being. These wellness techniques improve your mental well-being and boost your overall vitality and quality of life.

Consistent exercise balances neurotransmitters in the brain, making you feel more focused and energised throughout the day. This simple yet powerful lifestyle change is a sustainable way to combat the challenges of modern-day stress and anxiety.

Practice Deep Breathing Techniques

Deep breathing techniques can induce relaxation, provide a valuable reality check, and offer immediate relief from anxious thoughts by calming the mind and body.

When a person engages in deep breathing exercises, the focus shifts from stressful thoughts to breathing, leading to calmness and inner peace. By directing attention to the breath, individuals can ground themselves in the present moment, enhancing self-awareness and promoting a sense of reality. This process helps break the rumination and catastrophising cycle, enabling them to regain control over their thoughts and emotions.

Identify and Challenge Negative Thoughts

Identifying and challenging negative thoughts involves recognising cognitive distortions, altering detrimental thought patterns, and fostering a more balanced and positive mindset to combat anxious thoughts effectively.

Understanding the impact of cognitive distortions on one’s perception and emotions is crucial. These distortions can manifest in various forms, such as catastrophising, black-and-white thinking, or over-generalisation, leading to heightened anxiety levels. Individuals can gradually shift towards more rational and constructive interpretations of situations by modifying these harmful thought cycles through techniques like cognitive restructuring and reframing. This process enables one to confront and neutralise negative thoughts. It paves the way for promoting healthier thinking patterns that foster resilience and emotional well-being.

Seek Support from Friends and Family

Building a robust support system by seeking assistance from friends and family members can provide emotional relief, encourage open communication, and serve as a valuable supplement to formal talking therapies for managing anxious thoughts.

When facing anxiety, having a reliable network of loved ones to lean on is essential. Friends and family can offer a listening ear, share comforting words, and even engage in activities that help distract from overwhelming feelings of worry. Through heartfelt conversations and acts of kindness, those closest to you can provide a sense of reassurance and understanding, paving the way for emotional healing. This social support acts as a crucial pillar in the journey towards mental well-being, reinforcing the efficacy of professional therapies and offering a sense of belonging and security.

Conclusion: You Can Take Control of Your Anxious Thoughts

By implementing effective strategies, seeking support, and prioritising your mental and physical health, you can take control of your anxious thoughts and work towards a worry-free life.

You can actively manage stress and anxiety levels by focusing on techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and regular physical exercise. Surrounding yourself with a network of understanding friends and family members can provide the emotional support to navigate challenging moments. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, and engaging in activities you enjoy can contribute to overall well-being and resilience against anxious thoughts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you help me control my anxious thoughts?

As a hypnotherapist, I can guide you through relaxation techniques and positive suggestions to calm your mind and ease your anxious thoughts. Through hypnosis, we can rewire the negative patterns in your mind and help you gain control over your thoughts.

What if I’ve tried other methods to control my anxious thoughts, and they haven’t worked?

Everyone responds differently to different methods, but hypnotherapy has shown great success in treating anxiety. It targets the root cause of your anxiety and helps you develop coping mechanisms to manage your thoughts and emotions.

Will hypnosis make me lose control of my mind?

No, hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation where you completely control your mind and body. You will be fully aware of your surroundings and able to make your own choices throughout the session.

How many sessions will I need to see results?

The number of sessions varies for each individual, but most clients see significant improvements after just a few sessions. I will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that meets your needs and goals.

Can hypnotherapy help with other types of anxiety?

Yes, hypnotherapy can be effective in treating various types of anxiety, such as social anxiety, panic disorder, and phobias. It can also help with general stress and worry, as well as managing the symptoms of PTSD.

Is hypnotherapy a long-term solution for managing anxious thoughts?

Hypnotherapy can provide long-term results but also requires commitment and effort from the client. Together, we will work on building a strong foundation and developing healthy coping mechanisms to help you manage your anxious thoughts in the long run.